Tuesday, 29 October 2013

The Pilgrimage

Pilgrim (n): a traveler on a journey to a sacred place

What I Knew Before
Pilgrims = Thanksgiving...

My lovely Aussie friend, Mary, had been on the Christus Rex Pilgrimage 6 times & loved it
She invited me on this year's journey
I said yes
I didn't really have any idea what going on a pilgrimage would mean 
I thought it sounded amazing though
a journey of devotion, prayer & meeting new friends
We were going to walk for 3 days
Go to masses in different cities
It was going to be somewhere near Melbourne, Australia
There was going to be a lot of Latin
and that is about all I knew.

Road Trip
It was a 10 hour road trip from Sydney to Ballarat
We drove down with some beautiful new friends from Campion College
Some of our stops included: 
fresh mangos, a delicious bakery, a historical submarine, horses, sheep, cows, lots of farm land,
and a spontaneous dinner picnic on some hay bales that we found!

Eat, Sleep, Walk
My bed for the weekend was my yoga mat and a blanket
Breakfast was peanut butter & jelly sandwiches
Lunch was veggies and bread
and dinner was warm, delicious veg with barley soup
We walked from 7am to about 7pm
Friday, Saturday and Sunday
We walked about 30-40 km each day
We ended up walking about 100 km which is about 62 miles
You could say my feet were feeling it
By Saturday I had 7+ blisters 
By Sunday I couldn't feel my blisters because my feet were just dead
they have never hurt so much in my entire life
and it was so great
It was an act of penance for me to walk miles in pain
reflecting on my sins and praying the whole way

The power of prayer is incredible
now multiply that power by 150 pilgrims.
To see so many people walking along the side of the road in constant prayer...
it was unreal
one of the coolest things I've experienced for sure
I've probably only prayed the rosary once or twice before
I didn't ever really know the purpose or significance
One of the best things I learned this weekend was just that
We started praying the rosary during our road trip
and prayed it many, many times each day
I also learned how to pray most of it in Latin!!
The Hail Mary is so unbelievably beautiful in Latin, I just love it!

Friday before lunch we stopped for a Latin mass in a beautiful cathedral
Saturday before lunch we went to a Latin mass in a pine forest
I felt so close to God sitting in the forest & learning to appreciate the Latin mass and music
There were priests walking with us, so we had the opportunity for confession all weekend
I think I've gone to confession a total of two times in my life (communion & once in high school)
I took up the opportunity in during the pine forest mass
God's grace grants the most beautiful moments!
Sunday we finished the pilgrimage with a third Latin mass given by the bishop in Bendigo
I've never been to a Latin mass before this weekend 
I'm really grateful for the experience
I had no idea what was going on
but it helped me trust in my faith more than the knowledge of every word being said
and that was awesome!

I can't even begin to express how blessed I feel
I've never in my life had more than a few Catholic friends
To be surrounded with so many amazing brothers and sisters 
while I am on the other side of the world studying in Australia
it's more than I ever could have imagined or asked for
I met so many friends this weekend
I heard stories of life growing up on a farm with 8 siblings
they recited quotes, poems and books from Robert Frost, Shakespeare & so many others
We shared experiences, joy, sadness, laughter and wine
They carried me when my feet couldn't carry me any further
Through their actions they taught me how to give more, pray more & love more.

My faith journey will take a lifetime but I am learning so much everyday
I choose every opportunity to live and learn and grow 
I am not changing as much as I am just becoming the person God meant for me to be
He has led me to these great places and great people
I'd never heard of a pilgrimage, other than on Thanksgiving, until a few months ago
I have since become a pilgrim and loved it! 

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