Friday, 1 August 2014

Family Dive Adventures // Kids Sea Camp

Kids Sea Camp has been part of my life as long as I can remember
My mom provided the opportunity as publisher for Sport Diver Magazine
I started going when I was 6 years old
in Curacao
then Bonaire, Grand Cayman, Fiji, Honduras, Costa Rica & Belize
then Palau and Little Cayman
So many times at each location
every summer & some Thanksgiving breaks 
Each one teaching me new things about who I am and the underwater world

I started as a Sassy, ages 6-7
mini scuba gear, mini scuba tank, permanent flotation
endless fun for that age group

I moved up to Seal Team, ages 8-9
practicing with real, full sized scuba gear
in the pool and in confined/pool-like ocean areas 
Going 6-9ft under water with scuba gear on.. 
the absolute coolest thing for that age

I graduated with my Jr. Open Water certification, age 10 - Grand Cayman
then came Adventure Diver, specialties: Fish ID, Scooter, Underwater Photo
Advanced Open Water, age 16 - Belize
Rescue Diver, age 17 - Grand Cayman
Dive Master, age 18 - Grand Cayman

I've grown up with KSC, scuba diving & the Peyton family
Margo Peyton started Kids Sea Camp 14 years ago
She and her husband Tom & two kids, Rob & Jen, are like family
Through the years, we would plan with our camp friends where to go the following summer
and then hope our families would go along with our plans
Friends I made as a Sassy kid, I still keep in touch with and meet up with today.

People ask me what my favorite KSC location is
that is such a hard question to answer
My favorite camp memories are based on the friendships more than location
All of Kids Sea Camp's locations are so insanely beautiful, 
peaceful, fun, and full of life, 
not to mention incredible diving...
My favorite locations have been the ones with meaningful, wonderful, lasting connections
People from all over the country & world! 
Nebraska, Oklahoma, New Orleans, Ohio, California, Florida
Singapore, South Africa, Bermuda, England
and so many other awesome places
I can now visit these lovely new friends all over 
while traveling and exploring the world!

When I started college, three years ago 
I began working at Kids Sea Camp and fell in love with it even more
Having the opportunity to introduce young kids to scuba diving
 treasure hunts, pirate nights, island tours, beach days, boating excursions, 
donkey farms, iguana farms, turtle farms, diving & more
showing them the incredible world under the sea that we get to explore
I couldn't imagine spending my summers another way!

Kids Sea Camp has taught me:
that I want to spend my life working with children,
teaching them different ways to live their lives, 
that traveling is one of the most important things you can ever do,
meeting people and experiencing cultures is invaluable,
family vacations are still cool as you transition from childhood into adulthood, 
divers come from around the world to these beautiful islands, 
and they all have the best stories to share about the world. 

Turtles, sting rays, manta rays, eagle rays
hammer heads, reef sharks, bull sharks
ship wrecks, plane wrecks
barracuda, countless fish & endless coral reefs 
I cannot wait to spend the rest of my life exploring the rest of the ocean!